
Showing posts from August, 2023
  Seventh Installment SPARE SOME TIME AND FIND OUT, HOW A WILD BEAST, WHO WAS A PLAYBOY & A BISEXUAL, A DRUG / ALCOHOL FREAK & A ALCOHOL DEALER, A PARTY ANIMAL & AN ANGRY GANGSTER, GOT HIS LIFE TRANSFORMED WITH THE   “POWER OF LOVE” 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,  the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!   When I was going through the season of repentance, I was trying to get rid of all the sins but it was a very tough job. I was having an addiction since childhood and I was not able to come out of it. I was stuck to a loop and this loop was in a triangular shape. My loop was addiction, shower and prayer of sorry and then addiction, shower and an apologetic prayer to God, and then the same triangle again. A time came when I started to say sorry to God for all the sorry because I was apologizing but I kept on doing it. Now when I reached Faisalabad, instead of going to the hotel first, I thought to visit the place first whe
  Sixth Installment SPARE SOME TIME AND FIND OUT, HOW A WILD BEAST, WHO WAS A PLAYBOY & A BISEXUAL, A DRUG / ALCOHOL FREAK & A ALCOHOL DEALER, A PARTY ANIMAL & AN ANGRY GANGSTER, GOT HIS LIFE TRANSFORMED WITH THE   “POWER OF LOVE” Proverbs 20:24 A person’s steps are directed by the  Lord .      How then can anyone understand their own way?   Now I was going all crazy with the surprise that the name on the pamphlet was the same one that was told by one of my colleagues. Because of this, I wasn’t able to concentrate on my work and I contacted a person in my church who was surprised to know that I am interested in attending this church service of this African Evangelist. I still remember that the church service supposes to be on the 5 th of that month, I called the church on the 2 nd but I got to know that the African had already visited this church on the 1 st due to his own reasons. I was so disheartened that I missed this service of the church and at the same time