
Showing posts from June, 2023
  Second Installment SPARE SOME TIME AND FIND OUT, HOW A WILD BEAST, WHO WAS A PLAYBOY & A BISEXUAL, A DRUG / ALCOHOL FREAK & A ALCOHOL DEALER, A PARTY ANIMAL & AN ANGRY GANGSTER, GOT HIS LIFE TRANSFORMED WITH THE   “POWER OF LOVE” Ecclesiastes 7:17 Do not be overwicked, and do not be a fool-- why die before your time? I was considering myself that Super Hero! The inner peace that comes along in a package with Unconditional Love, everyone wants that peace in his/her heart. I was also looking for that peace and in the search for peace, I went to the dark world where there is nothing but death, nothing but a burden for our shoulders, and lies and fakeness. It all started when I was a little kid: Back in those days, there used to be shops for gaming where you would buy a token (metallic coin) and when you would come out of that shop, you will be surprised to see that it is dark now and you would realize that you came in morning and now it is night. I was addicted to going
TRANSFORMATION   Chapter Two First Installment SPARE SOME TIME AND FIND OUT, HOW A WILD BEAST, WHO WAS A PLAYBOY & A BISEXUAL, A DRUG / ALCOHOL FREAK & A ALCOHOL DEALER, A PARTY ANIMAL & AN ANGRY GANGSTER, GOT HIS LIFE TRANSFORMED WITH THE   “POWER OF LOVE” 1 TIMOTHY 1:15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance: that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.   I was a wild animal that wasn’t ready to be tamed at any cost. I was the chief among sinners and these are not only words, I was really a chief. When I try to explain my past, I use a term for myself, “a worm living in sewage”. Other than murder whatever comes into a human’s mind that is a sin according to any religion, I went through all. The painful truth for me is that I used to go to the depth of sin and try to learn and perform everything about it. Through all these weird experiences, I can be known for the bondages that Devil/ Satan has for us, where he will put us in